山樟木长廊目前价格 山樟木的优点: 干燥性能良好,胶粘、油漆、上蜡性能好,因含硅易钝刀,故加工时切削较难。 学名:冰片香 商业俗称:山樟木、婆罗洲柚木 产地:印尼、马来西亚、沙巴 宏观构造:散孔材。管孔肉眼下明显,略多,大小中等;单管孔;部分斜列;侵真体丰富。轴向薄壁组织放大镜下可风,环管束状或近翼状。木射线肉眼下略见,略密,略宽。轴向树胶道肉眼下明显,长弦列白色点状。 树木与分布:大乔木,高可达60m,胸径1.5-2.0m。本属约9种,分布于东南亚地区。常从马来西亚,印尼进口,量大,是南洋材中重要的商品材。 横断面:心边材区别明显。心材新切面班瑰红色,久则为红褐色。边材灰黄褐色,宽3-6cm,生长轮不明显。 树皮:厚1.0-1.5cm,质硬、易长条状剥离,外皮灰裼色至灰白/具有规则的浅纵裂;脱落后是黄裼色。内皮红裼色;韧皮纤维发达,易撕成层片状;石细胞丰富,层片状。 山樟木长廊目前价格 However, as a field use of camphor wood, its own thermal expansion and cold shrinkage has not been through special control, so the deformation of serious contrast. When laying the camphor floor, it is usually necessary to make a floor with gaps, and the same block as hollow out, can be opened at any time, convenient to clean or pick up the falling things. The camphor wood floor can effectively avoid the corrosion of microbes, avoid worm moth, and be waterproof and anticorrosion together, so it can taste the adverse environment in the field, and do not have to worry about it. (2)地板铺设前宜拆包堆放在铺设现场1~2天,使其适应环境,以免铺设后出现胀缩变形。 木材材性:具光泽:新切面有强烈的樟脑气味。纹理直;结构略粗;质量硬;强度高;干缩中,加工容易,切面光滑;含硅石,易钝锯;油漆、抛光性能良好;胶黏性差;钉钉易劈裂;含单宁,遇铁器会变色,略耐腐,干燥慢,稍有翘曲、开裂,气干密度0.8g-/cm3。 木材用途:适用于旋切单板,胶合板的芯板和背板,地板,家具,包装箱细木 Wood use: suitable for rotary cutting single board, plywood core board and backboard, floor, furniture, packing box carpenter, heavy engineering, general building materials, ship keel, sleepers, wood can be extracted natural ice, but also synthetic camphor raw material. 山樟木长廊目前价格 (3)铺设应做好防潮措施,尤其是底层等较潮湿的场合。防潮措施有涂防潮漆、铺防潮膜、使用铺垫宝等等